Thursday, March 1, 2012


The Knuspertannen Recipe For a white fairy tale forest Preparation time: 50 minutes without cooling time Keeps for about 3 weeks in tightly sealed cans

Approximately 15 pieces

To prepare:
Baking paper
* 1 kg of sugar

For Knuspertannen:
50 g butter * 50 g
* 60 g sugar 200 g grated coconut
* Crunchy muesli with fruit-less sugar
* 400 g white chocolate
* 2 tablespoons powdered sugar for dusting

forms to Preparing for the Fir 15 sheets (each 19 x 19 cm) made ​​of parchment paper cut.

Form the arches of each tapered cones. It must be closed, the tips as close as possible. The bags together with a staple gun firmly plow management. The tips bend easily. The bags upright in a bowl filled with sugar, so that they can not fall over.

for the Knuspertannen Melt butter in a frying pan over medium heat.

Sugar, coconut flakes and muesli and add, stirring gently brown. The granola mixture on a tray or baking sheet (lined with baking paper) and allow to cool to distribute.

chop the chocolate finely and melt in a saucepan over low heat in a water bath under stirring.

Stir in the cereal mixture. The chocolate mixture with a teaspoon of filling carefully into the paper bag. Here, the chocolate mass may press gently with a spoon handle to tip into the bag.

the bowl with the Knuspertannen about 30 minutes in the refrigerator. Then wrap the Knuspertannen carefully from the bag.

The Knuspertannen with icing sugar and decorative, such as a fairy tale forest damage.

Tip: For delicious Knusperpralinen you can give the chocolate mixture into small ramekins and make silicon such as described in the refrigerator.
