Sunday, October 9, 2011

Tips for Improving Men’s Health

A man’s health can be likened to that of a car; however the difference is that we cannot trade it in once we have done a few too many kilometres! We are stuck with the same chassis for life so it is therefore beneficial to service it on a regular basis.

Most men typically do not like to talk about their health because they have the attitude 'If it isn’t broke, why fix it?' However like a car, some simple maintenance can prevent the problems occurring in the first place.

Strategies for men to keep trim and healthy:

  • Don’t skip meals – Have 3 main meals (including breakfast everyday) plus 2-3 snacks.
  • Eat more vegetables – 5 serves (2.5 cups per day)
  • Watch the portion size of meat:  
           - The size of your palm is a good approximation in serving size
           - Trim all visible fat off the meat
           - Remove skin from chicken
           - Have fish at least 2 meals per week
  • Exercise – Recommendations are for 30 minutes of activity most days of the week
  • Alcohol – Moderate your intake; try starting with a couple of glasses of soda or sparkling mineral water before your first drink
  • Coffee – Keep to a maximum of 3-4 coffee/teas per day and use trim milk over full cream
The benefits servicing your health:
  • At work – Thinking clearer and faster because as we got older it helps us keep up with the younger people in the office.
  • Easier home life – More energy for quality time instead of sitting in front of the TV. More energy means more things done around the house, with the kids and on those projects that never seem to get done!
  • Live longer – Men who manage their healthy weight have lower incidences of heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes than overweight or obese men.
  • Better social life – Eating well leads to being slimmer which means clothes fit better making going out easier. It also leads to better skin and hair.
  • Better performance – Men who are overweight or obese have more issues with sexual performance/desire than healthy weight men
But the good news is that men have an advantage over women in losing weight:
  • Men are more muscular – This means their basal metabolism (the amount of calories the body burns everyday) is generally quicker/higher. This results in a man being able to eat more food and still lose good amounts of weight. It also means more calories are burnt when healthy eating is combined with exercise.
  • Men often have less emotional attachments to food – Therefore men do not tend to overeat when they are feeling emotional.